Friday, August 28, 2009
Paihai: Bay of Islands

Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Kiwi Food of the Week

Is my absence is boring a hole in your heart so deep no amount of booze will fill it? A frosty mug of ginger beer won't fill the Rachel-shaped hole in your life, but you can take comfort in knowing I've
Lemon-based Ginger Beer Recipe is for 1.5 L plastic bottle
•2 tblspns warm water
•1/2 tspn sugar
•1/4 tspn dried yeast granules
•1 cup sugar
•juice of 2 lemons
•rind of 2 lemons
•1 tspn to 1 tblspn dried ginger
Put first measure of sugar in warm water to dissolve, add yeast and stir. Place in warm place to start working.
Finely grate or slice rind from 2 lemons and place in a heatproof container with the 1 cup of sugar and the dried ginger. Pour over 1 cup of boiling water and leave to steep for 10 minutes. Strain into 1.5 L plastic bottle in which the ginger beer will be made. Top up bottle with cool water to near top so that final temp is approx. body temp. Add yeast to bottle as soon as it shows signs of working, ie. it foams. Cap bottle tightly. Mix thoroughly and put in a warm place. Leave until bottle becomes undentable. Depending on the yeast this can take anything from 12 hours to 3 days, but best to check regularly, as I guess there is a risk of explosion with this! Refrigerate until thoroughly chilled and OPEN WITH GREAT CARE!
Saturday, August 22, 2009
What's wrong with a little destruction?
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Kiwi Words of the Week
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Once I had time to get used to them, I decided they were okay for some people. And then I decided I would really fancy some, providing they were black suede with a cuffed portrait collar- elf shoes, basically. Sadly, these seem to exist only in my imagination, probably because most people wouldn't willing choose to dress themselves like elves. I have, however, found these which are pretty close and practically named after me- I think it's fate.

Is my outfit sociall acceptable? You Decide!
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Cookie Time!

Coconut Meringues with Lime Curd Filling
Any food is comfort food if you're sad enough.
going to apologize like I usually do in the beginning of my blog entries because this is not going to change. These two things, after all, are core tenants of my being. Back in the old country, they served the vital function of distracting me from how incredibly boring my life is. I may live in a nearly uninhabitable desert populated by cockroaches and tumbleweeds but I can pretend my life has some semblance of glamour and excitement if I'm prancing around in metallic peeptoe pumps sipping ginger-infused mojitos and nibbling on chocolate raspberry pavlovas. Now that I live in New Zealand and my life is properly exciting, not much has changed. I still have pipe dreams of being a pastry chef/fashion designer. I still waste an inordinate amount of time on marthastewart.com and http://tavi-thenewgirlintown.blogspot.com/. I still dress like a fifties housewife and I still have an innate need to bake cookies. Which is why I'm introducing a new weekly feature. You'll see soon.
If this bothers you, consider this: Without food or fashion, all I'd have is my love of British pop culture. Just imagine if I had to pour all my obsessive, geeky energy into that. I'd be some grotesque caricature of a nerd instead of a fully realized human being. And I'd slip in a lot more pretentious British pronunciation/slang. So count your blessings. That being said, I will try to post more personal stuff- you know, like about my life and feelings and stuff. I'm working on a "Ten Secrets You Don't Know About Rachel" list like the kind that seem to be so popular among Internet folk.
I want y'all to know that I really, really appreciate your comments. Like so many aspects of my life I find myself riding an emotional roller coaster while blogging. First I get excited, then I feel inadequate because I can't think of anything clever to say and then I get frustrated and give up and post before I'm finished because I know the post is overdue. Your comments validate my struggle and repair my fragile, fragile self-esteem. I'm a delicate flower.
Even if I'm not successful, I really do try to make my blog entertaining for everyone. I should explicitly state now, in case you haven't noticed, that some of the pictures (usually the ones I didn't take) are linked to "surprises". I hope you'll enjoy them.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Kiwi Food of the Week
"Sultanas" a.k.a...
Well, technically, sultanas are a type of raisin. They're raisins treated with sulfur dioxide and flame dried to give them that sexy "golden glow." Almost all grapes in the US are sultana grapes and thus are raisins are sultanas as well, we just don't call them that. The history of the name "sultana" is probably more interesting than the food itself. The name refers to the feminine form of the title "Sultan". According folklore from the Ottoman Empire (and Wikipedia) a sultan was enjoying some grapes one day when a tiger began attacking him. Like a womanly coward, he fled, leaving the defenseless grapes at the mercy of the cruel sun. Thus, "sultanas" were born.
Disenchanted trick-or-treaters everywhere can thank his sorry ass every time they get a box of raisins instead of candy.
But I'm not complaining. Raisins/sultanas have their place and they've certainly had their place in my life. So far, I've made rueglach, "Kitchen Sink Cookies", cinnamonrolls and various other things with them. I added them to the coconut rice pudding I made for my Thai dinner which one of my Kiwi guests said was a nice touch. Molly, I think you would really like the pudding- it starts to taste like coconut cake batter after a few days.
If you're interested, which judging by the number of comments I recieve about Kiwi Food of the Week you're not, here's a short list of common US foods and their Kiwi names:
Peppers= capsicum
Cilantro =coriander/ Chinese parsley
Red onions: pickling onions
Papayas= paw paws
Oranges= mandarins
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True Story.
It's sparkly, it has ruffles and it's a cardigan- all things Rachel. It's also a medium which means it doesn't fit. When I saw it in the store I convinced myself it'd be slouchy-casual, like boyfriend jeans. When I got home I discovered it is simply Too Big. Luckily, this hasn't stopped me from wearing it...
Kiwi Food of the Week
"chocolate fish"
That's right, Rachel had her first chocolate fish. Because of the hype I've created in my mind surrounding chocolate fish I was waiting for a special occasion to buy my first "choky" fish. (Actually, I was waiting for someone to give me one, if I'm being honest.) But, like most things designed to attract children, I found the brightly colored wrapper irresistible. The verdict?
Eating this was sadly anticlimactic. As in, it was frankly terrible candy. Of course it cost roughly $0.25 US so I shouldn't have had such high expectations. But having reasonable expectations is not one of my strengths. The raspberry marshmallow center was tough and dry. It really made me appreciate my homemade strawberry marshmallows, which I still have a scar from. And the chocolate coating was too thin to have taste. Don't cry for me, though-there's plenty of varieties to try and try I will.
What has two thumbs, speaks limited Spanish and hasn't cried once this month? Este mi!