I realize my last post was entirely self-serving so this one will be for your benefit. Not really, actually, but I'm asking for your personal
input so I hope that gratifies some of you.
Next week the halls of residence are having a
masquerade ball. I realized too late that this will involve dancing (and thus touching and other awkward social situations) so I agreed to go with my flatmates. However, it does rationalize me buying an unnecessary black shift dress and the shoes I'm going to buy to match. I am damn sad I didn't bring my metallic mauve
peeptoe pumps with me now but hopefully I can find some outrageously tacky heels when I go dress shopping with Lisa and
Sanna in Auckland Saturday.
Moving on: POLL TIME! The dress is a little too boring (and probably informal) for a ball so I thought I'd liven it up by layering. Here are the

And there's also this, which I'm not so keen on:

I think it's too stuffy for a ball and I'll likely end up earing to class (belted with broches and hose, of course). Although, I'd wear any of these to class so I guess I'm damned anyway. I should probably add that I'm also going to wear a broche, belt/ribbon and hose to the ball as well but I can't decide which ones just yet. Or probably ever.
There's going to be an ongoing dinner and live bands as well as an
afterparty- how sophisticated! I'm very much hoping the ball will be inside because it will be absolutely freezing if it's not and what I'm wearing will be irrelavant since I won't be able to take me coat off.
Anyhow, I'm trying not to think too much about the ball but I would appreciate
your thoughts so let me hear them.