Since the purpose of these posts is to educate you all about the authentic Kiwi culture I am experienceing, I want to choose slang that Kiwis actually say. I've been a bit disapointed I haven't heard some of the more colorful "Kiwi" slang I read about on the internet. For example, so far I haven't heard anyone described as "two sammies short of a picnic" which I suppose is a good thing. So, while the terms on this blog might not be terribly exciting, I'll make sure they're actually used. This week's definitely fits the bill. I've heard teachers, students, clerks at clothing stores and my flatmates use it:
Flash has two meanings. It can mean that someth
ing is
sensational or superior. My only Kiwi professor told the class during the first lecture we could color-code our notes "if you're feeling really flash." I was talking to a New Zealander about Peter Jackson's films and I asked him if
Braindead was any good. His very Kiwi reply: "I reckon it's not as flash as his other ones 'cause it was his first."
Similarly, flash can also mean
something looks good/cool. I bought coat in Auckland wh

ich the sales clerk told me was "flash." I know it's her job to try to make me buy things but it made me feel urban-kiwi-chic. When used in this sense, the term is usually phrased, "That's flash." as in:
"Giz a squiz those gummies over there. They're sweet-as!
"That's flash."
I'm glad that you're talking to people. I like those boots.
ReplyDeleteWhat does "Giz a squiz" mean?