Tuesday, October 20, 2009

With phones, you make the call!

Ever stop and wonder what "the point" is? Ever question the validity of your existence? Ever feel that sense of general despair gnawing at the pit of your soul? Buy something! You'll feel better.

A few weeks ago I walked to the Warehouse in town intending to buy a cup as a replacement for the one I shattered while pretending to be Chris Martin. I was doing my best to stay focused and actually come home with a cup when I spotted a rack of reduced plus-sized tops. My brain got excited. Naturally, since ill-fitting clothing I’m going to wear not-as-intended is exactly what I need more of in my life. Obviously impulsive Rachel won out (doesn't she always?) or I wouldn't be writing this post.

Top as a dress! Top as a dress! What’s more exciting than a top as a dress? No, I can't take a decent picture.

It is awfully short but I’m young now and I’ve been told my pins are my best feature. I’m quite keen on the print- it’s hippie without the I-don’t-shower-on-days-for-end vibe. The navy looks great with black (Yes, yes, yes black and navy go together!) And it goes well with my cool-kids-only jean jacket. Although, every time I try to wear my jean jacket I get too cold and start shivering, which makes it hard to feel like a bad-ass rebel. I guess that’s the universe’s way of gently reminding me that I’m not cool and never will be. You cannot make milk into cheese.

Of course, I do occasionally worry that this consumerism lifestyle is actively destroying my sense of global responsibility so I make it a point to keep receipts. It’s okay because I can totally return this!

What do you think? Should I return it? I'm not going to figure out how to do a poll now so it's gimme answers in the comments section time!


  1. The fact that one of New Zealand's tiniest girls is sporting a plus-size shirt is dramatic and unexpected, like the season finale of one of those hospital shows on TV! But if I were you, and I had your sweet-ass legs, I would strip down to just the shirt-as-a-dress and some stilettos (panties optional). And then I'd pair it with a leather jacket that would make you feel like a rebel AND keep out the chill of your Libbie void.


    I don't really like Katie Holmes, but she has definitely gone below Samuel Hord, Rachel Ray, and Bono on my hate scale because of this jacket. You can cover her face with your finger and pretend it's you!

    Anyway, I hope this helped.

    Yours forever (but seriously, you're not getting rid of me),

  2. Only you Rachel - all 5'1 and 90lbs of you - would walk by a rack for plus sized womens discount tops and see the potential. I love the outfit and seeing you in it made me think that Nov. 14th can't come soon enough.

  3. Mom: Whaaaa? Huh? I don't get the outfit. But that's OK, I still don't get hip huggers. Oops, that's what they called them when I was young. I mean I still don't get low rise jeans. Can't wait to see you Nov. 24. Love your fashion-backwards Mom

  4. You're such a hot mamma. I want you... to give me that dress. too creepy?

  5. Rachel I like the outfit! Have you tried belting it? I think that would look pretty damm awesome.
    I might not be the best on fashion advice though... I think a killer bear shirt paired with a light sweater and denim skirt is pretty damm awesome. So I guess you should use your own judgment and not mine.

    Hey did you hear? Libbie is dying her skin white (Like michael Jackson) So she can feel special.
