Friday, September 11, 2009

Open Letter to Carolyn and anyone else who expected me to have my act together.

Would it help if I said I was sorry? I know, I know- I promised to have more entries. I don't know what's wrong with me. ( Although I enjoy speculating). Inexcusable. It's just that I've a serious case of writer's block I started watching Withnail and I to get inspired but I just ended up watching a good part of it. You can watch all of it ony youtube, but this is my favorite part. It's far more entertaining than anything you're going to read here, anyway.
It's late and I'm tired (too tired to find a good "sorry" quote for the title) so I'm turning this back on you guys, my five readers: Tell me what to write about! If you keep your requests legal, I'll do my best to honor them. Maybe.
I'm setting my alarm for early tomorrow, even though it's Saturday. Hopefully some magic will happen.
Ta for now,


  1. Woah, woah chickadee! No worries, you can finish your blog whenever you want. Saturdays are for sleeping in! (of course everyday is for sleeping in when you're unemployed). I love watching Withnail and I during moments of stress because it never fails to make me feel good about my own life. Okay yeah, maybe I'm not the most successful person out there, but at least I can do the dishes without having a meltdown. Well most the time anyway. Here's my favorite clip

    As for the new blog, I'm thinking a Kiwi food of the week about tea. You're a tea drinker now right? What kind? Do they have any special Kiwi tea?

    P.S. In addition to The Office on Adult Swim, they've started showing the IT Crowd on IFC. British sitcoms will no longer be contained to PBS and BBC America! World Domination Date: 2045.

  2. Rachel I want you to write about how much PULP SUCKS!

    Knowing that you are not going to write about that, why not write a post about how much you miss me... I like to read my name.

    Here are some post you might actually consider:
    I know next to nothing about Maoris, could you enlighten me? Is it true that Jemaine Clement is part Maori?

    Who are New Zealand's most famous people?

    Why are you so damn good looking? (Since you won't tell me via faceplace)

    Do a whole blog on Flight of the Conchords! Fun challenge, Link all their music videos to one post!

    Write a poem for Libbie, She told me she wants you too.

    Well thats enough ideas for now, Peace out!

  3. Do you get to see any Lord of the Rings places?
